Course Description

I created this program for women who try to cope with all their daily tasks and duties, whilst also trying to stay fit and look good!

As a woman, I guess you want to wear nice flattering dresses and tops.

But if your arms look skinny, shapeless, fat, flabby, or show cellulite, it is not really attractive, is it?

Unfortunately, arms, if not trained, will remain shapeless.

Even if you don’t have weight issues, the truth is that it is difficult to create a nice toned look in the arms.

If, on the other hand, you do carry extra weight on your frame, chances are that your arms are suffering as well.

Toning the arm muscles will make a huge difference in your overall appearance.

This brings me to proper nutrition.

It is necessary to adapt the way you eat to achieve the best possible result(s).

That is why in this program, I also speak about nutrition – so that you can use a complete approach for obtaining maximum results.

I will show you how to get in the best shape ever, progressing within a 3-month period.

In this step-by- step approach you will learn what exercises to do in the comfort of your home, and with limited equipment.

If you have access to a gym, you will learn how to incorporate the exercises in your regular routine, and how to use more equipment and heavier weights as you progress.

Enjoy Your New Toned Arms!

Nutrition & Fitness Professional Cathy Piot

Hi, my name is Catherine Piot and I am here to help you transform your body. I work as a coach and fitness and nutrition consultant trainer.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome !

    2. How to start and what you will need

    3. Let's talk about Nutrition

    4. Doing the Exercises the right way - How Much Weight to use ...

    5. What about Cardio ?

    6. Supplements !

    7. Let's talk about the Exercises : Terms to know, Rest Time, Supersets

    8. Month 1 : The first 2 Weeks

    9. Month 2 : Increased Workout

    10. Month 3 : Final Effort !

    1. Shoulders Press

    2. Lateral Raise

    3. Front Raise Alternating

    1. Biceps Curl Alternating

    2. Hammer Curl

    3. Outside Curl Both Arms

    1. Overhead Tricep Extension-Both Arms

    2. Single Arm Tricep Kickback

    3. Deeps

    4. The First Month Step By Step

    1. Month 2: How To Do The Exercises (Instructions)

    1. Shoulder Press Standing Superset With Front Raise Alternative

    2. Lateral Raise Superset With Upright Row

    3. Lateral Holds

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 33 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content